
Here are some of the projects I have worked on.


CarePoint is a full-stack web application designed to streamline the process of booking doctor appointments online. Whether you're a patient searching for the right doctor or a doctor managing appointments, CarePoint makes healthcare seamless.

ReactJSNode JSExpressJSMongoDb


The React repository provides a variety of small projects designed to build your React skills. Each project zeroes in on key aspects of React, like setting up components, managing state, passing data via props, and working with tools like Tailwind CSS.

React JSReduxReact-RouterTailwind CSSVite


StyleSyntax is a modern and scalable web development project designed to streamline the use of Tailwind CSS and PostCSS within a Next.js, React, and Vite-based environment. This project focuses on providing a seamless workflow for developers looking to use Tailwind CSS effectively in their applications.

JavascriptReact JSTailwind CSS


Text Talker is a simple yet powerful web application that converts written text into spoken words using the Web Speech API. This tool is perfect for accessibility, presentations, or just having fun listening to text in a natural-sounding voice.

HTMLCSSTailwind CSSJavascript
and more to be added soon...